The Bible as our basis
It is the Word of God and helps us in our daily lives.
2Ti 3:16–17
The worship of God as part of our lives
Prayer and singing (whether alone or together) are an expression of our awe of and thankfulness to God.
Heb 13:15–16
The teaching of the Apostles
We practice believers' baptism by immersion and celebrate the Lord's Supper every week. The resurrection of Jesus is the basis of our hope for the forgiveness of sins and the resulting eternal life. We believe that the Holy Spirit is living and working in us. And we want to actualize more and more His power in our daily lives.
1Co 15:12–19; 2Ti 1:7
The on-going development of our relationships with God and each other
We see the necessity of constantly deepening and fostering our relationship with God. Through this we find hope, courage and trust for our daily lives.
Because we are aware of our imperfection we realize it is also necessary that we work on our relationships to one another. Jesus is our example. Because He accepted all people without distinction, we too want to try to accept, to respect and to esteem each other.
2Pe 1:5–8; Ro 15:7
The First Century Church as our example
This means: Jesus is the head of the church; we have no superimposed human organization. As an independent church we finance the work through voluntary giving.
The work of the church does not rest on the shoulders of one single person, instead every member takes parts according to his/her abilities and gifts.
Our Sunday services are open to anyone who is searching for fellowship with God and others. Along with these services we have various programs to match the distinctive needs of people (retreats, Children's Bible Club, home Bible study, a women's group, a men's breakfast)..
Col 1:18; Eph 4:11–16
Each and every person
whether single or in a family. We encourage the marriage partnership and family. We help children to learn God's word. We are happy to see youth and we try to help them find direction for their lives.
Col 3:11–13
The building of community with each other
Thus we spend time with each other, eating, playing, talking and experiencing God's love.
"Love your neighbor" expresses itself in practical things such as helping, sharing and being there for each other.
Gal 6:10; Col 3:14–17; Heb 10:22–25
The spreading of the „Good News“
We support mission work in our area and in the whole world so that those who are distanced from God have the chance to meet God. We want to go to the people, where they are, to share God's love in word and deed.
Mat 28:19–20
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